Tuesday, March 12, 2013


So I ran into a stumbling point.  I knew where I wanted to go, I just couldn't get my characters to follow.  So I put aside my writing for a day.  watched some TV with the kids and left my lap top at work. 

I took this time to download and read some basic books on plot and constructions.  While I think it's possible to write a book without having a foundation in the "craft" of writing, I got a lot of great pointers.

The most important being to have an over arching plot to the story.  No not "catch the bad guy" or "get the girl".  A meaningful story arch.  So I thought about it and came up with mine.

Olivia (main character) is struggling with self image.  The over arching plot is her self acceptance.  This has nothing to do with the story line, kidnapping, but as the story moves on Olivia will grow and change as a character.

Unable to help myself I check my Scribofile page and saw I had another review.  A lovely woman left the following comment:

"I'd love to see her give Brad much more resistance as she seems like a woman who is not one to be pushed around. To be blatant, even mentioning how long its been for her and even making her come on to him might be nice"

And I had a light bulb moment.  I saw Olivia.  I knew exactly how she would react at the accident scene (I'm editing it to show her being the aggressor towards brad, not because she wants him but because she needs to rid herself of the dreadful feelings she's left with. And then she has a moment of guilt for coming on to him)

I was so pumped.   I immediately (well when I got to work, and had a spare moment) rewrote chapter 2, edited chapter three and added a new chapter that wasn't in my original outline. 

I have a clearer picture of were to go and how to get everyone moving along.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Took the Plung

So I found a wonderful writing forum.


I joined a few groups, did some critiques, and posted my first chapter. 


 I've been fretting about it all night.  I think anyone who decides to writes thinks their writing is spectacular, I know I do.    But when it comes down to it all that matters is-- does someone else think that? 

We'll see.

I would highly recommend scribophile.  I really like the way the system works.  In order to post work for review you must review work yourself.  I think this system really helps make sure you are getting feedback on your work.  Work is categorized by genre.  It's really a nice system.  I opted to join paying the upgraded membership.  This allows for unlimited posting of work and messaging.  You still have to have points to post, but you aren't limited to the number of works you can post.  there are some other benefits.  People have been very constructive and responsive so far.  If you are looking for a writing group I can't recommend scribophile enough!!


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Getting Real

So, I've put pencil to paper (or at least fingers to keyboard) and started writing.  I have a story.  I've done some research....I'm ready to go.

Now that I've committed, I had a vision of myself sitting down and pond out my story.  I can see now that's more of a fairy tale then a premonition.  Oh, I started that way.  First day in I put down 4,000 words and thought I'd have a story ready to edit in less then a month. 

I went in without any plan or direction.  Write.  That was it.  But then I started to edit, to do more research, pick over characters, change the introduction five times, I realized that I haven't progressed past 4,000 words.  Less then a week in I realize I was delusional and I started to second guess myself.

So I stopped, got some advice from some other writers and realized I needed a plan.

So, I present:

Gina's Writing Plan (insert trumpeting)

1. I will write 4 days a week.
     a. on writing days I will spend 15 min planning the items I will be writing before I start.
     b. During writing time, I will not:
                      i. edit
                      ii. research
                      iii. rewrite.
     c. I commit to 2000 words.
2. I will edit only after I have a first draft of a chapter and only after my 2000 words have been met.
3. I will block out time to research, this time will be outside my writing time.
4. I will post on my blog once per week.  Post to include word count for the week, progress in story and overall thoughts about writing.
5.   I will join an appropriate writer’s critique group (group must be active)
6.   I will find a writing buddy that will help me keep on task.

My goals:

*   Have first draft ready by August.
*   Have second draft ready for professional editing by November
*   First full beta read by January.

Again, I'm flying blind.  But I feel a little better having set down some guidelines.  I'm hopping this week will be more productive.

Friday, March 1, 2013


Well after researching and writing for several months now, I've decided to add my voice to the chorus of writers on the internet. 

I'm Gina, I own and manage two heath care related businesses in a small town in Indiana, raising two kids and have decided to write my first novel.   Let's see if I can make this work without finding my way to crazy town (not a very far drive from here as is...)

So what has driven me to write, you ask?

Well I'm an avid reader, I try to fit in reading time everyday and I consume a lot of good and bad books.  Like most readers, I've read more books the I can count where I screamed "That story had so much potential, I could have come up with insert  (better plot, more interesting character, more dynamic writing) that writer xyz.....If they can get people to buy books surely I can!!!"

So I hope I'm not eating crow a year from now.

Stay tuned in.